Main Hub

welcome to the Hub (patent pending) of my site! i'm happy to see that you came. ignore the mess, it's still a work in progress as of the time of typing this.

i've gone by a lot of names in the past, and still use a lot in a way, but you can call me null. i don't actually have much of a firm identity beyond lesbian, and that includes my name and pronouns. so, "null" just exists so it's easier for you :) but enough about me, and more about my site! that's what the webmaster section is for, after all.

i was inspired to make my own website over a year ago now because of the many wonderful sites that i stumbled upon as a teenager. i went with NeoCities, and i've pretty much been in and out of here ever since. i haven't worked on my site too much in previous years due to school and irl responsibilities generally keeping my busy, but i am still determined to make my own space online. but why?

like many other netizens, i have grown disenchanted with the current state of the web. i'm not saying that the old web didn't have its faults, but there was notably less invasive advertisements, minimal censorship, and generally more freedom to be yourself on the internet then. now, with how things currently are- especially in regard to The Platform Previously Known As Twitter- we can't go anywhere without an ad being shoved in our face, can't say anything without our comments being labeled as "hate speech" (see: transphobes and "cis"), and have multiple social media platforms that do not promote individuality, but singularity. this is just sad to me, and i'm speaking generally.

so, here's my webbed site.

what you will find here will most definitely be influenced by my history on the internet, in one way or another. my early usage of the internet was mainly animal jam and videos on youtube where edgy furries battled it out... to the DEATH! i didn't know it then, but this early introduction to furry culture changed my life forever. and that's what will be reflected here, if my OC sparkle to the right didn't give that away already.